Mar 2021
A light week but we have a new Senior Captain in our ranks! Congrats to all our pilots on moving up the food chain! There are a lot of pilots poised to hit Captain soon! Come on! Push it! Push it real good! SECOND OFFICERS SOA688 Christian Krestel SOA568 Juuso Knuts FIRST OFFICERS SOA679 Cody Richter CAPTAINS – None SENIOR CAPTAINS SOA649 Jeff Melaragno
Mar 2021
Lots of promotions with a new captain and two new sneior captains in the mix! Well done everyone! Thanks for flying for the airline and making us so successful! SECOND OFFICERS SOA679 Cody Richter SOA667 Komoly Samuel FIRST OFFICERS SOA446 Maxime Poulin CAPTAINS SOA655 Grant Stoebner SENIOR CAPTAINS SOA599 Jeff Denham SOA571 Jason Gustafson
Mar 2021
With the success of our cargo division our ability to reach more customers than ever has facilitated the need for our Feeder division to change operations to more of a ‘You Call We Haul’ configuration. Our small fleet of Feeder cargo planes that includes a selection of Kodiaks, Grand Caravans and Saab SF340F’s have now had the chains taken off them and can now fly wild and free across the