There is a Vatsim event coming up this weekend that Solaris will officially be part of. Click on the poster below to see what routes are available for the event out of KMSP. Make your request in the #Vatsim-Event channel with the flight #, aircraft requested and your Vatsim PID so be added to the roster. We’ll be spawning in at 6pm CST and expect to start departures 30-60
Oct 2020
Not a lot of promotions this week but we have a new Executive Captain of the Airline. That is a huge achievement! Congrats to EC Kenny Myers! Give him a thumbs up when you see him! SECOND OFFICERS SOA526 Juan Gonzalez SOA583 John Hunte EXECUTIVE CAPTAINS SOA110 Kenny Myers
Oct 2020
Solaris is invading Japan and parts of Asia with the opening of our new Solaris Banzai division servicing Japan with domestic flights around the islands as well as international flights to as far away as India. A new fleet is being pulled together to handle all the needs of our virtual PAX. We already have a selection of Boeing and Airbus aircraft with some regional aircraft on order. For
Oct 2020
Congratulations to all our promoted pilots! You guys are rocking the skies! Super well done to our two new Captains and Senior captain Ed Ross! Keep on keeping on! Thanks for your service to the airline! SECOND OFFICERS SOA605 Bruce Roberts FIRST OFFICERS SOA504 Ricky Yegelwel SOA580 Mathias Reed SOA571 Jason Gustafson CAPTAINS SOA433 Ryan Beattie SOA119 Dylan Hoang SENIOR CAPTAINS SOA153 Ed Ross
Oct 2020
Solaris Air Company Handbook updated to version 1.91. 1.91 Changelog ============ Added Solaris Banzai information to fleet page. Added FAQ about not being able to load cargo and having license revoked. Company Handbook Page:
Oct 2020
Congrats to all our pilots on their promotions this week! Keep up the great work! SECOND OFFICERS SOA594 Lars von Oben SOA590 Arca Santis SOA599 Jeff Denham SOA436 Justin Langosch SOA570 Kevin Sercu ======== ======================= CAPTAINS SOA593 Dave Steele SENIOR CAPTAINS SOA523 Rick Kimmick
Oct 2020
Solaris is proud to open up CorpJet in Europe. Based out of Geneva, Switzerland, our fleet of business jets and turbo prop planes are able to service clients as far away as Turkey and Moscow to the east and all the way to Iceland and the Canarias Islands in the west. Some of our larger business jets can take clients as far as Dubai in the Middle East.