Pilot Application Form
Terms & Conditions
By completing this application you agree to the following:
- Discord is a requirement to join our airline. Once you sign-up click on the Discord icon at the bottom of the page in the footer area to login to our Discord. Send a check-in message to the #va-pilot-authenticaion channel stating your pilot name you signed up with and that you read these requirements listed here and agree abide by them. We will authneticate your application, assign you an ID and finalize your setup on Discord and in the VA.
- You are at least 13 years of age.
- You agree to complete at least 1 flight per month
- You own a legal copy of MS Flight simulator, Prepar3d, or X-Plane
- There is to be NO foul, vulgar, sexist, racist, or other foul remarks made by any of our members to anybody else, whether part of this virtual airline or not
- You must have a valid email address
- You must comply with all VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge Regulations
It may take up to 24 hours for your application to be approved if you are successful.
Password Requirements
Your password must Contain at least:
- 1 upper case letter
- 1 lower case letter
- 1 number
- 8 characters